On 29-Sep-02, Tim Johnson wrote:

>> Well, I was thinking of it being just another script the kids would
>> run on the computers they were using so they could test any CGI
>> they did themselves by looking at it with a browser. I wrote such a
>> script so I can test the CGI I do locally before sticking it on a
>> "real" server. I just have two REBOL consoles open, one for the
>> server and one for the script I'm working on.
>  Ahh... talking about a simple socket server.. 

I guess - I'm no expert on servers or the Net.  But I'd see it as a
safe place for kids to develope CGI scripts.  Then, if they wanted
them put on the Web, that could be your job - to vet the scripts and
do the uploading.

>> Girls ain't dumb. (;
> You're preaching to the converted ... Grace Hopper (Admiral Grace
> Hopper
> at that) developed COBOL, and my niece Jessica interned at RT two
> years ago.... Besides I married one....

And none have married me.  As I said... (;

>> If you were trying to attract kids to writing as a profession,
>> would you bring in writers of fiction or writers of car manuals or
>> adverts as examples? In other words, would you chose a writer of
>> accounting software over a games programmer to inspire the kids?

>  I'd take what I could get in this limited area .... and I show
> them
>  some of my CGI sites built with rebol. We are inviting them to
>  download 'view to play with, and maybe there's some rebol/view
>  scripts online for them to run?

Try rebsearch to search what's available on the Reb...

do http://proton.cl-ki.uni-osnabrueck.de/REBOL/rebsearch.r

or you can get to it from the FX5 site via the Desktop.  (Though I'm
getting a timeout with it at the moment - hopefully it's still

Not sure which scripts to suggest.  (No bookmarks with the Desktop, so
they don't get bookmarked...)  I just launch the Desktop every so
often and have a look at what's in the Sites' folder - and check out
any sites I don't think I've seen before.  Often there's not much in
a site, (some seem just to be place-keepers), but many have quite a
lot of scripts in.  Run them and if you like them, look at the
scripts.  I'm terrible at remembering the names of sites, so to be
fair I won't mention the one or two I know have good stuff in. (; 
Just go exploring...

On second thoughts, let's throw this open to the rest on the list. 
Which are the Rebsites you'd recomend people?

> We are going beyond the school district here... I'm
> disheartened
> to report that the Human Services profession here is very
> anti-technology 

Lots are anti-technology.  Having to deal with technology is like
having to be a mechanic or electrician - ideally you pay someone else
to do that kind of stuff.  But computer-literacy to my mind means
being able use /and/ write programs, same as you expect the literate
to be able to both read and write.  The trouble is, something badly
written doesn't crash, so lots of badly written prose gets put out
without it causing too much harm.  A badly written program becomes
very obvious to everyone very soon though, and probably to the
programmer before anyone else sees it.  So technology's a very harsh
judge, hence people's dislike of it.

Carl Read

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