Hi Max,

MOA> Nothing is worse than NOT knowing what people think.

Hear, hear! I couldn't agree more. One of the things that is
interesting about the REBOL community is that a single person *can*
create really useful stuff; it doesn't require a team. Look at Rugby,
pdf-maker, the async protocol stuff, Steel, Phil's email client, many
of Carl's examples (EasyVID, make-doc--and it's derivatives, etc.),
the REP site, and so many more!

For a small community, we have so many things to keep up with, it's
hard to support all of them. I try to do what I can in spare moments
here and there, but I often feel I don't do enough.

So, let me say "THANK YOU!" to everyone in the community for all the
cool stuff you've done. I only wish I had time to play with them all.

-- Gregg                         

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