Hi Mauro,

On Thursday, November 27, 2003, 8:12:20 PM, you wrote:

MF> I should have the proper net setup, though I have not set any proxy server.

Actually  I  don't  think  SET-NET  has  anything  to do with your
problem,  as  long as you're just using tcp:// . And I don't think
you'll need a proxy to access machines on your LAN...

MF> BTW, what's the right way to make a ping in Rebol?

You can't. However there's no reason why networking shouldn't work
in REBOL if it works in other applications. I wonder, does:

   read http://www.rebol.com/

work for you?

Anyway, can you post your code?

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila  ---   SOON: http://www.rebol.it/

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