On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:15:57 +0300, Konstantin Knizhnik 

> First version of Rebol API to my object-oriented database DyBASE is
> ready. It can be downloaded from my site:
> http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/dybase.html

Hi, even I'm in close private contact with you about DyBASE, I want to 
thank you here on the mailinglist for the Rebol API work you have done. 
For the others, I contacted Konstantin some weeks ago about a Rebol API. 
And he hadn't touched the language before.

As I told you already, I'm quite impressed about your work. With DyBASE we 
have the first embedded database engine for Rebol. IMO such a thing can 
make application development with Rebol much easier. When using the SDK, 
it's now possible to develop quite complex database stuff in a compact 

I know that you are not a big fan of Rebol (yet) and that you have some 
criticism about it. I don't want to start a "best-language" discussion 
here. The API and everything is provided, so I ask the members of the list 
to have a look and see how far we can help to optimize the DyBASE 
implementation. IMO it can't hold, that the Rebol version is the slowest 

Robert M. Münch
Management & IT Freelancer
Mobile: +49 (177) 245 2802

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