
> I was able to isolate the problem.
> The following script shows almost the same time as testindex.r
> searching for 200000 objects.
> n: 200000
> h: make hash! n
> start: now/time/precise
> repeat i n [
>     oid: random n
>     obj: select h oid
>     if none? obj [
>        obj: make object! [__oid__: oid]
>        insert insert tail h oid obj
>     ]
>     if (i // 100) = 0 [clear h]
> ]
> print ["Elapsed time for adding" n "records" (now/time/precise - start)]

1) For what i understand, you allocate a 200.000 slot hash, then clear the
cache every 100 item. Why?

2) The last thing: time consuming task here is clear.

3) Another thing:  if you make hash! n then you should insert n item not n * 2
(with insert insert)

Remember that Rebol uses internal and hidden keys to hash. Your oid value is
internally hashed like any other value.


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