Hello Gregg,

I was able to isolate the problem.
The following script shows almost the same time as testindex.r
searching for 200000 objects.

n: 200000
h: make hash! n
start: now/time/precise
repeat i n [
    oid: random n 
    obj: select h oid
    if none? obj [
       obj: make object! [__oid__: oid]
       insert insert tail h oid obj
    if (i // 100) = 0 [clear h]

print ["Elapsed time for adding" n "records" (now/time/precise - start)]

At my computer execution of this script takes about 70 seconds.
By replacing it with:

n: 200000
h: make hash! n
l: make block! n
start: now/time/precise
repeat i n [
    oid: random n 
    pos: find h oid    
    either none? pos [
       obj: make object! [__oid__: oid]
       insert tail h oid
       insert tail l obj
    ] [obj: pick l index? pos]
    if (i // 100) = 0 [clear h clear l]

print ["Elapsed time for adding" n "records" (now/time/precise - start)]

I was able to reduce execution time till 33 seconds.

Are there some better ideas how to improve performance of this peace
of code?

Thursday, December 18, 2003, 11:46:41 PM, you wrote:

GI> Hi Konstantin,

KK>> So, during index search 1.5 minutes from 2 were spent in lookup
KK>> function. And 14 seconds takes searching index itself.
KK>> From these 1.5 minutes most of the time was spent in this line:

KK>>      obj: select obj-by-oid-map oid

GI> A quick test seems to show that the SELECT part of the lookup is
GI> faster for smaller numbers of records (e.g. 10,000), and gets
GI> progressively slower as the numbers increase. That is, it starts out
GI> faster than the FETCH and MAKE parts and ends up a lot slower than
GI> they are with larger numbers of records.

GI> -- Gregg

Best regards,
 Konstantin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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