#Bonjour Konstantin, 
Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 5:30:08 PM, you wrote: 

> Hello Konstantin,

> Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 7:14:02 PM, you wrote:

KK>> Hello Cyphre,

KK>> Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 6:40:03 PM, you wrote:

C>>> Hi,

C>>> I just had a quick look at
C>>> http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/dybase/doc/dybase.html#comparison . Is Rebol
C>>> really so slow or it is because the ported code isn't optimized to the
C>>> language yet?

KK>> Compare the following results:

KK>> Rebol: 18 seconds

KK>> h: make hash! []
KK>> start: now/time
KK>> n: 100000
KK>> for i 1 n 1 [
KK>>     append h i
KK>> ]

KK>> print ["Elapsed time for" n "records" (now/time - start)]
KK>> -----------------------

KK>> Python: 0.37 seconds

KK>> import time
KK>> d = {}
KK>> start = time.time()
KK>> for i in range(0,100000):
KK>>     d[i] = i
KK>> print 'Elapsed time: ', time.time() - start,  ' seconds'
KK>> --------------------

KK>> PHP: 1 seconds (rounded)

KK>> <?php
KK>> $start = time();
KK>> $arr = array();
KK>> for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { 
KK>>     $arr[$i] = $i;
KK>> }
KK>> print("Elapsed time: " . (time() - $start) . " seconds\n");

> It was mistyping in PHP script - 10000 instead of 100000.
> But with 100000 iterations reported time was the same - 1 second.

> And if remove assignment to hash table and use just empty loop body
> (pure speed of interpreter), then times for 10000000 (ten millions)
> iteration are

> Python: 14 seconds
> PHP:    17 seconds
> Rebol:  58 seconds

> Also bad result (for Rebol), but 3 times slower is not 50 times slower...

That's probably because 'for is written in REBOL (enter "?? for") ;-)

start: now/time/precise
i: 0
loop 10000000 [ i: i + 1 ]
start - now/time/precise

takes only 3.5 secs.

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