On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sunanda:
> > If anything is going to nudge him further down a collaborative
> > approach, perhaps leading to a more open source model, that
> > experience may form an important part of it.
> Chris:
> > I think the 1.3 project shows that Carl and RT as-is can
> > use those additional resources very well ...
> I'm no prophet or Kremlinologist.  But:
> The REBOL.com home page has recently changed to replace "Mission" with
> "About".
> Follow the link, and the text has changed dramatically.  One part now reads:
> "We believe that an open collaborative development community is key in
> creating and expanding on the fundamental technology and inspiring an exciting
> variety of applications and methods. "

Ah must have woken up one morning and figured the corporate starship
"Enterprise" was not going to come and beam them up ... Scotty

might as well go native!

> For the previous mission statement, check at Archive.org:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20030620144159/rebol.com/mission.html
> Whether this has anything to do with View 1.4 or open source is another
> matter.
> Sunanda.
> --
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