Georgie did a couple funny things when he was around three.
We were in the home center store called Forest City back then.  He was sitting 
in that little seat in the shopping cart facing me and I held the handle and 
George pulled it along and that was how we shopped.
a man came along smoking some weird pipe tobacco, and I must admit it smelled 
weird.  But out pops Georgie with.."everywhere ...we...go...the...smail...goes 
The guy looked at him and we had to get out of the store fast because it hurt 
holding the laughter.
Then we went out to the Renaissance Center in Detroit.  On the 73rd floor you 
could look out of all glass to see the city.  There was a restaurant called the 
Summit and it is expensive and it would revolve once an hour or so and people 
can eat and have a nice view and pay a lot and be all dressed up and all that.
Well, it was raining that day  and Georgie spoke again in his slow drawn out 
way that he did then.  ""
We all kind of looked at each other, like..what did he say?  Sure enough, when 
the other people looked out the window, it looked likeall these people were 
suspended in mid-air eating dinner!  of course, the rain made a reflection.  
That was amazing.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:37 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: Sherri

  Sounds like you have a great son. I was like your daughter I didn't want 
children and I just wanted to travel and have fun. I met Tim in Summer of 90 I 
had Bryce in 91. I was 32 when I had him, 37 with Ashlee. 
   When Bryce was little we used to race Hobby Stock cars at our local tracks. 
Bryce was always in the garage wanting to help on the car. He was told by one 
of our crew guys, that Chicks dig racecar drivers, so Bryce would tell the lady 
in the McDonalds drive thru or anywhere else that Chicks Dig him!! lol He was 3 
or 4 at the time. I laugh about it now, but at the time, I would tell them out 
in the shop, Stop teaching him that stuff!! lol  Bryce was a great kid and 
still is. Ashlee has a whole complete different attitude than Bryce. There is 5 
year difference between them. Bryce was always the helpful brother who loved 
his sister when she was little,, now they just fight all the time!  I know I 
will miss that too when they are gone.
   Hugs, Janet



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