Hi Enno

Thanks for these good news!
For point two: Are you thinking about just redefining the busmacros (as 
suggested in some xilinx documentation) or would you re-write the actual osif 


> 2. OSIF interface logic:

On Dec 7, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Enno Lübbers wrote:

> Hi,
> I just wanted to notify you of some progress that's been made with the  
> partial reconfiguration features of ReconOS. I've managed to create a  
> set of partial bitstreams using the 12.3 tools (esp. PlanAhead) and  
> the ReconOS tool chain. I've also been able to partially reconfigure  
> single hardware threads manually via JTAG on the ML605.
> Things missing / to do:
> 1. Proper tool chain support:
> This will probably involve scripting PlanAhead to create the necessary  
> configurations. I've been able to create a valid partially  
> reconfigurable PlanAhead project using only the bitstreams generated  
> by the ReconOS EAPR Makefile. Also, some renaming and cleanup of the  
> "master" Makefile would be in order. Interestingly enough, the  
> clocking magic we had to do with the old EAPR tool chain seems no  
> longer necessary.
> 2. OSIF interface logic:
> Since the new PR tool flow does not use bus macros but instantiates  
> the necessary Partition Pins automatically, we need to replicate some  
> of the functionality of the former bus macros within the OSIF:
> - registers for all non-RAM (i.e. synchronous) signals to improve  
> timing closure
> - enable signals for all outgoing signals (hardware thread to OSIF) to  
> prevent accidental activity on reconfiguration
> 3. ICAP support for eCos:
> There is a new HWICAP IP core in EDK 12.3, which I hope to be faster  
> and easier to use than the 9.02 versions. If there are any changes to  
> the API we need to patch our hardware scheduling code accordingly.  
> Also, a new reference design (ml605_light_pr) with the ICAP core  
> should be created.
> Any comments, suggestions or questions are welcome. This list needs  
> more traffic. :)
> Best regards
> - Enno
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