It seems I was wrong, maybe he is a former member.


Trudy Bray wrote:

 I believe he is on the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and probably can be reached through there.


Graham Young wrote:

 Well, does anyone have an address for him?   And does anyone have a copy of the article (or has it been circulated and I missed it?)   I'm happy to send him a message of positive re-inforcement and encourage him to do more.

Grahyam Y

tim dunlop wrote:

 Sorry Graham, I wasn't having a go at Viner at all - the opposite if anything. Tim
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] Ian Viner

I think you are selling Viner a long way short.  He has form on these issues.  Not everyone who votes Liberal is an enemy of aboriginal causes, as another W.A. Liberal Fred Chaney demonstrates, not to mention Peter Baume in NSW and of course Neville Bonner.  And that is just a top of mind list.   Michael Wooldridge is a current MHR who also jumps into mind.

I don't think awards motivate too many, but cultivating some of those friendly Liberals could pay dividends.   In my experience, friends at court are a valuable second prong attack when protest action is in the wind.  Perhaps someone could find his email address and send him some congratulatory mails.

Graham Y

tim dunlop wrote:

 Wonder if Ian Viner receiving a Queen's birthday gong had anything to do with his current article highlighting the (unforgivable) shortcomings of the Reeves report?  Might have put a bit steel in his resolve to speak out?  If so, we should nominate many more ex-coalition MPs for such awards - never know what might happen! Tim
Graham Young
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