On 9/8/07, Daniel Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 08/09/2007, at 8:10 PM, Steven Gong wrote:
> Only Origin needs to connect to the file server in this prototype and now
> only one Origin is supported. The load-balancer is connected to Edges. So if
> you have 5 machines, you can use one as Origin, one as Terracotta server,
> one as load-balancer and 2 as Edges.
> Ok so no need to use a network switch load balancer, its done via
> terracotta ?

A generic HTTP load-balancer is needed (but not mandatory) and it's not part
of the feature of terracotta. Terracotta only makes sure the state of
connections are shared by all Edges.

I still cant get it connected
> rtmpt://localhost:8088/oflaDemo
> (314) Connections: true | true
> (13863) connected?: true
> (76961) NetConnection.onStatus:
>   level = status
>   code = NetConnection.Connect.Closed
> (76987) disconnected:
> (79193) connected?: true
> (131305) NetConnection.onStatus:
>   level = status
>   code = NetConnection.Connect.Closed
> (131332) disconnected:
> (134721) connected?: true
> Hangs on connection, and then eventually this
> [ERROR]:( org.mortbay.log.invoke0 ) EXCEPTION
> java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException
>         at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.ensureValid(SelectionKeyImpl.java
> :55)
>         at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.readyOps(SelectionKeyImpl.java:69)
>         at sun.nio.ch.KQueueSelectorImpl.updateSelectedKeys(
> KQueueSelectorImpl.java:105)
>         at sun.nio.ch.KQueueSelectorImpl.doSelect(KQueueSelectorImpl.java
> :74)
>         at sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.lockAndDoSelect(SelectorImpl.java:69)
>         at sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl.select(SelectorImpl.java:80)
>         at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet.doSelect(
> SelectorManager.java:299)
>         at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager.doSelect(
> SelectorManager.java:73)
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector.accept(
> SelectChannelConnector.java:120)
>         at org.mortbay.jetty.AbstractConnector$Acceptor.run(
> AbstractConnector.java:498)
>         at org.mortbay.thread.BoundedThreadPool$PoolThread.run(
> BoundedThreadPool.java:475)
> On 9/8/07, Daniel Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry me again, with this configuration, we have 5 clustered machines
> > connecting to a NAS, what would be the best configuration for this in this
> > scenario ? One machine is the origin and not attached to the load balancer
> > which is also running terracotta, 4 machines running as the frontend edge
> > machines and attached to the load balancer ?  They are all running 3G P4's
> > and 2G of ram.  Is it possible to run the cluster files from the NAS storage
> > itself rather than having seperate set of files on  each machine ? This
> > means i just need to update it in one spot, but not sure if that will affect
> > performance, especially for reads for the files. I am finding some errors at
> > times where there is network issues getting the files for some reason.
> > On 08/09/2007, at 7:44 PM, Steven Gong wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Orion, Tim and I had a meeting discussing the current status and future
> > plan of Red5 Edge/Origin with Terracotta integration. Below is the detail.
> > (1) Deadlock issue: Orion and Tim explained the auto-lock concept to me
> > and helped to solve the deadlock issue caused by misconfiguration of
> > auto-locks. Now the Edge/Origin Red5 won't get deadlocked on Terracotta.
> > (2) Performance test and tuning: We plan to do performance test and
> > tuning in the next step to verify the design and implementation of the
> > Edge/Origin prototype. Orion and Tim gave some advice on how to do
> > performance test and tuning on Terracotta. Orion will also provide several
> > online HW resources for the test. This is very helpful for clustering
> > performance test when several machines are available to setup the server
> > environment. Great thanks to Orion and other Terracotta guys to make this
> > happen!
> >
> > So we will move forward to test the prototype and do the enhancement
> > afterwards.
> >
> > To all the Red5 users,
> > Now you can try to run Edge/Origin prototype on Terracotta.
> > Theoretically you can run all the servers on one machine: Edge, Origin and
> > Terracotta server. But the recommended configuration is to put each server
> > to their own machine, especially the Terracotta server.
> > To run the servers, the only difference from the version without
> > Terracotta is that you need to start the Edge on Terracotta with the
> > configuration file tc-config-edge.xml in the root dir of the clustering
> > branch.
> > Feel free to report issues during your experiment. Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Best Regards
> > Steven Gong
> >
> > InfraRed5 Red5 Consultant: http://www.infrared5.com,
> >
> > Red5 Developer: http://osflash.org/red5, 
> > http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/~steven/Home
> > <http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/%7Esteven/Home>
> >
> > Modesty is an overrated quality in men of no great accomplishment.  --
> > Ricky Jay
> > _______________________________________________
> > Red5 mailing list
> > Red5@osflash.org
> > http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/red5_osflash.org
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Red5 mailing list
> > Red5@osflash.org
> > http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/red5_osflash.org
> >
> >
> --
> Best Regards
> Steven Gong
> InfraRed5 Red5 Consultant: http://www.infrared5.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Red5 Developer: http://osflash.org/red5,
> http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/~steven/Home<http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/%7Esteven/Home>
> Modesty is an overrated quality in men of no great accomplishment.  --
> Ricky Jay_______________________________________________
> Red5 mailing list
> Red5@osflash.org
> http://osflash.org/mailman/listinfo/red5_osflash.org
> _______________________________________________
> Red5 mailing list
> Red5@osflash.org
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Best Regards
Steven Gong

InfraRed5 Red5 Consultant: http://www.infrared5.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Red5 Developer: http://osflash.org/red5,

Modesty is an overrated quality in men of no great accomplishment.  -- Ricky
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