Matt Gumbley and others wrote:

> Kevin,
>         I've been following your thread on redhat-devel re: updboots, lack of
> documentation - could you point me to the howto you said you were
> writing?

I have begun documentation on the HOW-TO for the customization of the RedHat
Like all other projects, time is at a premium.
I have several companies to run and a family with 3 children aged ) 3 months, 4
and 5.
(The 5 year old won third prize at a ballet eisttedford on the weekend)

This HOW-TO is in its infancy/adultory and looking for input.
So please be patient. this is a complicated series of steps and takes much time
to do and more to
document. It is all so easy to follow the process if you know how, but the lack
of documentation
on the simplest scripts is annoying.
hopefully by the time the HOWTO is finished it will still be current and RH will
not have wandered
off on some other installer path (eg Lorax)

If you have any suggestions of what processes you would like to see covered ( I
will try to cover as
much as I can) please email me.
If you have suggestion on or knowledge of some of the processes or wish to
correct an error in the
documentation, please feel free to do so.

Kind regards


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