On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 01:16:01PM +0100, Matt Gumbley wrote:
> Kevin Waterson wrote:
> > 
> > Matt Gumbley and others wrote:
> > 
> > > Kevin,
> > >         I've been following your thread on redhat-devel re: updboots, lack of
> > > documentation - could you point me to the howto you said you were
> > > writing?
> > 
> > I have begun documentation on the HOW-TO for the customization of the RedHat
> > distribution.
> > Like all other projects, time is at a premium.

> Question: Does Lorax differ vastly from the RH 6.0 Way?
        Yes and no. trees/ is pretty similar to 6.0, but /misc/src/install and
/misc/src/installinit are gone and replaced with anaconda/, the new python
and newt/gtk based installer. 

> Some changes for you:
> Section "The scripts", under "what they do":
> (Bear in mind I'm completely re-doing my boot images; this is all done
> without recourse to any documentation, so I could be completely wrong!)
> The upd* scripts update a set of directories that will be used to
> populate disk images. The mk* scripts use these directories to build the
> disk images.
> The directories are created when you build the installer program.
> Start in misc/src/trees, and delete the existing stuff:
> rm -rf local network initrd supp rescue rescue.bak *.img *.img.nogz
> Build the install program:
> cd misc/src/install
> make
> make installit
> This will build install etc.
> You will need the following packages (I didn't install them originally,
> and make, updrescue, and updkmaps complained)
> open, pine, dump, slang-devel, newt-devel, console-tools (probably had
> that one installed)
> make installit will build new versions of the above trees that you
> deleted, and copy the install program etc. there.
> cd into ../init, and make there. There is no installit for this - one of
> the scripts (updboots?) will copy init over to the relevant directory,
> as well as keymaps/keymaps.gz, created by updkmaps.
> There is probably a definite order in which the upd* scripts should be
> run, before the mk* scripts are run.

        For generating boot images, you usually dont need to rebuild
the installer itself, just run the mkboot,etc scripts in trees/.
> Some questions:
> If I want to build an RH distribution containing some new version of the
> kernel throughout (say, the imaginary 2.2.100 when it comes out!) - how
> do I take Linus' released kernel .tar.gz, and turn it into a set of RPMs
> that I could place on a CD, and use during the above updboots process?
        Well, you need to make kernel rpms of them. Grabbing the src rpm
(not the kernel-source.rpm...), and checking the spec file from it is
probabaly the best place to start. kernel spec files tend to be on
the complicated side as you can probabaly imagine. Not to mention
builing all of them takes forever. 
        Once you build the rpms of the updated rpms, you need to run 
updboots and point <rpm-tree> to whereever the new rpms are. I usually
just leave them sitting in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS and that seems to work. 
I'm no expert at this though, so your mileage may vary ;->

> I'm basing my "distribution" (!) on 2.2.5-15, the last kernel on
> updates.redhat.com for 6.0. Say I'd like to go to the latest and
> greatest - I believe I need to upgrade the NFS user space tools. If I
> decide to do that, is there an RPM of these? If I decide to stick with
> the latest ones for 6.0 on updates, or in the stock distribution, which
> is the latest kernel I can use that will work successfully with them?

        2.2.5-22 should be available also. 
> Is there a later version of the installer source, (not Lorax, which I
> haven't investigated yet) ?
        Not a real release no, but some of the rawhide releases between
6.0 and lorax might have an updated version. I would stick with 6.0's or
lorax though.

        Btw, good to see someone documenting this. You can only bug developers
with questions so much before they start ignoring you ;->

Adrian Likins

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