> I'm sorry if this issue has been discussed before, but I'm not at all
> happy with the new rescue method. I've nothing against booting from the
> CD, but the fact that the only utilities offered are the ones used during
> the installation is something I can only laugh at. Even such vital things
> as fsck, vi or cp are not there ! Therefore the rescue disk is nearly
> unusable. What I'd like RedHat to do:
> 1) Bring back all the utilites that were on the old rescue.img
> 2) Move to 2 CDs distribution: it's definitely time to do it. It's
> becoming harder to serve everyone's needs with one CD and there's no space
> left on it already. For example I do not need 10 Megabytes of
> desktop-backgrounds but I do need sudo, zgv, uudeview and some sort of icq
> program. Someone else may have other preferences. (Yes, I know about
> powertools. You may put it this way if you want: make powertools the part
> of official distribution.) And then there's the rescue mode which should
> be something like a small console-only single-user linux, but with all the
> tools (including network ones) you'd ever think of when you need to do
> some sort of service/repair.  What do you think ?

I agree about this but I also think there are some programs who are
redundant with other programs in the distrib;, have been obsoleted by
better ones and have no big followship so there is little reason to
keep them.  Removing thme would make some space

                        Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

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