Actually, that may only apply if you're in San Diego.

David Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Find Phil Karn's page, you need his rrlogin program.
> "John Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Can anyone help with how to connect with the cable modem, Roadrunner?  Also
> > networking with no IP address.  Two computers and the cable modem are
> > plugged into a hub.  The IP address is assigned by Roadrunner dynamically.
> > All of this works in windows.  No IP address is listed in any windows
> > networking file.  I do mail and surf fast to my hearts content in Windows
> > but not Linux.  Windows was so very easy to set up but Linux has me stumped.
> > And Time Werner is of no help.  They supply windows signon programs and no
> > support for Linux.  My wife logs on with one computer as nwilson and me the
> > other as jwilson and we get respective mail and can both surf at the same
> > time.  But not when with Linux. Help???
> > 
> > Thanks  Jack Wilson

David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU

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