> I came into this thread late, but this touched on somthing I've been
> strugling with. I'm trying to make a new ISO image that includes all of
> the latest updates. Integrating the new RPMs is easy, but 6.1 the
> installer in 6.1 is basically useless without the updates. I tried to make
> a disk with the new boot image, and the files from the update disk image
> copied over the corresponding files on the CD. That was a disaster, I
> ended up with a disk that just segfaulted as the installer was starting.
> All I really want to see is some clear directions on how to incorporate
> installer updates into a new ISO image.

I used the attached script. Usual warrantee applies - NONE;-0)


# time -p /u02/summer/bin/makerh tmp/redhat-6.1 tmp/RHL6.1 tmp/RHL6.1.iso
# rsh emu tar c -C /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/ site-packages/ | tar 
xv -C tmp/redhat-6.1/i386/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/
# rsh emu tar -cz -C /mnt/cdrom/ . | tar -zx -C i386/
#  This script takes about three minutes on my system: PII-233, 7200 RPM HDD if
#  source, updates and target are all on the same drive. Possibly, the 'cp"
#  commands will need to have -l removed from the options if you have the
#  source and updates on different drives from the target. It will also take
#  longer;-)
#  Customisations
#     1  VERSION  RedHat Linux version
#     2  BOOT     boot image to use on bootable CD
#     3  UPDATES  One or more trees of RHL updates. Processed in the order specified 
#  Parameters:
#        1        source directory, defaults to /u03/redhat/${VERSION}}
#        2        Target directory, defaults to /tmp/RHL${VERSION}
#        3        ISO   Name of CD image to make. If omitted, prepares an install 
image for network install

# Updates tree:
# UPDATES="/u03/incoming/updates.redhat.com/6.0 ${HOME}/redhat/RPMS6 "
# UPDATES="/u03/incoming/updates.redhat.com/6.0 "
BOOT=images/boot.img                      # default boot image, use for new release
BOOT=images/i386/boot-RHEA-1999:044.img   # the boot image to use; vendor realised the 
default's broke



function RemoveOldVersions()
      Type=${UPDATE: -7}
      eval `rpm -qip ${UPDATE} | awk --source '/Version/ {print "uVersion="$3}' \
           --source '/Name/ {print "uName="$3}'\
           --source '/Release/ {print "uRelease="$3}'`
      find  ${Dest} -name ${uName}\*${Type} | sort | \
      while read l
               eval `rpm -qip ${l} | awk   --source '/Version/ {print "oVersion="$3}' \
                        --source '/Name/ {print "oName="$3}'\
                        --source '/Release/ {print "oRelease="$3}'`
                [ "${uName}" = "${oName}" ] &&
                    eval [ -f  "${Dest}/${oName}-${oVersion}*${Type}" ] \
                        && eval rm -f ${Dest}/${oName}-${oVersion}*${Type}

function MakeImage()
      echo MakeImage
      [ -d ${TARGET} ] && (chmod -R 700 ${TARGET}; rm -rf ${TARGET} )
      mkdir -p ${TARGET} 
      S=`find ${SOURCE}/ -maxdepth 1| grep -v ^${SOURCE}/\$`
       cp -lax ${S} ${TARGET}/ 

function cleanup()
      echo cleanup
      chmod 755 `find ${TARGET} -type d` \
         `find ${TARGET}/RedHat/instimage/usr/bin ${TARGET}/RedHat/instimage/lib  
-type f ` 
      Names=`find ${TARGET}   \
         -name  .listing      \
         -o  -name  ls-lR\*   \
         -o  -name  TRANS.TBL \
         -o  -name  boot.cat  \
         -o  -name  .buildlog \
      [ -n "${Names}" ] && (chmod +w ${Names};rm -f ${Names})

# apply updates to the tree
function update()
      echo update
      echo Updating from $UPDATES
      for D in ${UPDATES}
            IMG=`find ${D} -name images`
            [ -n "${IMG}" ] && cp -lax ${IMG}/i386/  $TARGET/images
      JUNK=`find  $TARGET/images -type d -name old`
      [ -n "${JUNK}" ] && rm -rf ${JUNK}
# First, we look at the updated rpms to hand and identify matching rpms in the tarket 
      find  $UPDATES -name \*.rpm -a ! -name \*.src.rpm | egrep -v 'i[4-6]86' | sort | 
         while read l
               echo ${l}
               rpm -K --nogpg $l >/dev/null 2>&1 &&\
                     RemoveOldVersions ${l} $TARGET/RedHat/RPMS
                     cp -lax ${l}  $TARGET/RedHat/RPMS || return $?

function genlist()
      echo genlist
      GHD=`find ${TARGET} -name  genhdlist`
      [ -n "${GHD}" ] || \
            echo cannot find genhdlist
      echo ${GHD}
      INSTIMG=`find ${TARGET} -name instimage`
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTIMG}/usr/lib/ ${GHD} ${TARGET}

function makeISO9660()
      rm -f ${OPUT}
      /usr/bin/mkisofs -b ${BOOT} -c images/boot.cat -r -J -o ${OPUT}\
         -A "Red Hat Linux ${VERSION} created `date`"\
         -m 'CVS'\
         -V "RedHatLinux6.1"\
         ${TARGET} \
         2> >(( egrep -v 'estimate finish|^Using'))
      chmod 0644 ${OPUT}
      ls -o ${OPUT}

# Red Hat Linux 6.1 install is Badly Broken. A fix has been released, and some
# corrections need to be copied into the anaconda stuff.

# As this needs to be done as root, we'll just mention what commands should be
# issued. These can be cut and pasted by the user.

      F=`find $UPDATES -name updates\* -type f`
      [ -z "${F}" ] && return 0   # not needed/not available.
      eval `stat 
tmp/RHL6.1/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/_balkanmodule.so |\
         awk --source '/Size/ {print "Sz=" $2}'`
      [ $Sz -eq 12486 ] || return 0
      D=`find ${SOURCE} -name site-packages`
      cat <<ZZ
      You need to run these commands as root in order to apply some install-procedure 

/sbin/losetup /dev/loop0 $F
mkdir /tmp/pAtch
mount /dev/loop0 /tmp/pAtch
find /tmp/pAtch -type f -ls
find ${SOURCE} -name site-packages -ls
tar -c  -C /tmp/pAtch . | tar x -C ${D}
umount /tmp/pAtch
/sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop0
rmdir  /tmp/pAtch

MakeImage || exit 4
cleanup || exit 4
update || exit 4
cleanup || exit 4
genlist || exit 4
[ -n "${ISO}" ] && makeISO9660 ${ISO}
du -hs ${TARGET}/
#echo rsh emu tar c -C /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/ site-packages/ \
#   \| tar xv -C tmp/redhat-6.1/i386/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/python1.5/

John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
Configuration, networking, combined IBM ftpsites index.

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