I've just read on slashdot that the redhat 6.2 beta has been made
available (although I haven't check for it myself).  I've asked about
this before, and now would be a good time to bring this issue up

Can a CHANGES file be provided with this and every release (and
pre-releases) of a new distribution.  In fact, two CHANGES files...

        - one to describe the overall changes (eg, the installer, new
          or replaced/deleted packages, new features, default desktop
          changes, overall stuff like that).

        - another one with MUCH more technical detail that is geared
          towards system administrators.  This would be particularly
          valuable for someone like myself who is administering lots
          of (redhat) linux boxes.  Examples of this for 6.0->6.1
          would be the new standalone identd to replace the one run
          from inetd, the enhanced xdmcp capabilities of gdm, the
          sparse filesystem being created by default... the sort of
          information that is essential for system administrators,
          home or small-business network hackers or other experienced
          redhat users to know about.  (Kernel changes should be part
          of this too).

It can be a difficult and onerous task to rebuild lots of server and
client boxes up to a new distro version, or to try to integrate these
into existing infrastructures and configurations when some features
have changed (sometimes radically).  To have some decent documentation
available about what potential problems or other hiccups to expect
would be absolutely invaluable.

Please please please!

  Tony Nugent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Systems Administrator
  GrowZone OnLine       (a project of) GrowZone Development Network
  POBox 475 Toowoomba Oueensland Australia 4350    Ph: 07 4637 8322

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