[ Friday, February 11 2000 ] had JF Martinez saying:
> I have been using RedHat since the Halloween release and I have never
> felt the individual user was treated adequately.  When I look at
> Anaconda's source code I see nothing is provided for PPP
> configuration, Sound cards or instant firewalling be it during
> installation or at first reboot.  All of this is necessary for

Okay, these tools don't run automaticall.  But tools for all of them
except "instant firewalling" exist.  There are multiple tools to use for
ppp configuration.  rp3-config, netcfg, and linuxconf will all set up
ppp for you.  To be honest, I'd find it to be a major PITA if every
machine I installed had to okay through a ppp config post install, as
I don't use ppp on any machine I install on.  The tools exist, and are
pointed to in the documentation.  

Sound configuration is done with sndconfig.  And I believe that when I 
installed 6.1, kudzu detected my PCI sound card and started sndconfig 
for me to configure it, though I could be going nuts again ;)  

As to "instant firewalling"; any program which claims to provide instant
firewalling is not going to provide well for a lot of cases.  Firewalls
are something that require some knowledge about what you're doing to set
up, because otherwise you make it so you can't send or receive any
packets.  Also, there is a firewall-config RPM in Piglet that claims to
be a module for the KDE2 control center for configuring firewall rules.

> Or RedHat can react and do the proper in order individual users no
> longer feel like I feel after browsing Anaconda's source code: second
> class users.

Patches tend to be accepted from my experience.  Or at least considered
if they make sense.

Jeremy Katz             http://linuxpower.org
GPG fingerprint: 367E 8B6B 5E57 2BDB 972A 4D73 C83C B4E8 89FE 392D

Good evening, gentlemen.  I am a HAL 9000 computer.  I became operational
at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 11th, nineteen hundred
ninety-five.  My supervisor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a
song.  If you would like, I could sing it for you.

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