John Summerfield wrote:
> I agree that /home is the wrong place for apache and maybe samba.

Recently I post a bugreport about samba via bugzilla (for samba, this was
really a bug, since samba does not need any dedicated "home" at all),
and it is now ok (since Tue Oct 05 1999, made by Bill Nottingham).

> When I installed queue, I decided /home/queue was precisely the right
> place for the whole shebang. I decided I want to share binaries and all
> other files.

No comments as I don't know about queue... :)

> >
> > Maybe we should change all packages that touches /home/something to
> > move things to, say, /var or /usr (should be considered for each
> > package)?  For apache this should be /var/httpd, I think...
> /usr should be able to be mounted ro, so /usr/httpd is wrong too.

One small(?) relatted question: is it possible to mount / readonly?
At least with mount command itself, it seemed to be impossible, as
mount tries to modify /etc/mtab, and initscripts directs it to do so;
but there is a "file" -- /proc/mounts -- already here...  I can't find
quick solution for this, at least without modifiyng mount sources
(so it will default to -n mode), or each mount will give an error,
especially with automounter...

> /var/httpd seems fine to me.

Maybe post another bugreport for this?
Tradition to place apache to /home is very old...

> --
> Cheers
> John Summerfield
> for OS/2 support.
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