
It's seemed strange to me -- there are many different implementations
of some utilities around.  Examples:

  gnu inetutils
    ftp/ftpd, inetd, rsh&co, syslogd, talk/talkd, telnet/telnetd, tftp/tftpd, whois
  netkit-base -- possible dead (?), now split in redhat
    inetd, ping, telnet/telnetd, etc
    ifconfig, arp, route, *name, etc
    with replacements of tools from net-tools (just one  `ip' command for all)
    ping6, traceroute6, ...
    klogd, syslogd
    with replacement for inetd
  wu-ftpd, proftpd, beroftpd, ncftpd etc...

All this packages made with different goals.  For example, `ip' from iproute
package will never use hostnames, just ip addresses, but other (from net-tools)
use hostnames massively.

Looking to all this, I hope that some time all this "menagerie" will be merged into
one package (like netkit-base was, or like inetutils is), so that all utilities will
be consistent with each other.... Just a hope?..

But here is a guestion.  Does anybody knows any comparisions for, e.g. syslogds in
inetutils, sysklogd, and *bsd sources?  The same for inetd from 
Why, for example, redhat chooses to use netkit-base instead of gnu inetutils?
(one little example of that I asking -- syslogd in redhat distro (from sysklogd) seemed
to be very resource-gluttonous when some app uses it heavily, but this is not true
for FreeBSD, for example.  I looked to this from mail server's view - messages will 
much faster when i add `-' before /var/log/maillog in syslogd.conf in linux, this is
already fast enouth on FBSD).

And another one.  Does anybody knows some place for discussion about such a things like
"how should be done some common utility"?  I maybe can maintain this set of utils,
but this will be the Right Thing(tm) to _me_, probably not to others...


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