[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ryan King) wrote:

> Sorry if this is OT or a FAQ, but why does neither RH6.1 or RH6.2 include
> /sbin/ in root's path?
> I've been brainstorming to try to conceive of a case where this is
> advantageous, but have come up empty-handed and confused.  Any insight
> will help ease my distressed soul.

I would guess that the theory is that the stuff in /sbin is
supposed to be either (a) useless or (b) dangerous to the
typical user.  Myself, I don't regard it as such a bad thing
that I need to type '/sbin/shutdown -h' when I want to do 
a shutdown.  

(You do know that it's trivial to add /sbin to your path if
you want it to be there, right?)

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