> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ryan King) wrote:
> > Sorry if this is OT or a FAQ, but why does neither RH6.1 or RH6.2 include
> > /sbin/ in root's path?
> > 
> > I've been brainstorming to try to conceive of a case where this is
> > advantageous, but have come up empty-handed and confused.  Any insight
> > will help ease my distressed soul.
> I would guess that the theory is that the stuff in /sbin is
> supposed to be either (a) useless or (b) dangerous to the
> typical user.  Myself, I don't regard it as such a bad thing

He SAID root's path, not "the typical user's."

My own experience has been that it depends on how you get to be root. 
rlogin puts it there, some other programs don't.

John Summerfield
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