On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Joe Brenner wrote:

>> "My-Skwill"  It sounds like something that is "mine".  Doesn't it
>> feel good to see it as your own?  Almost like they wrote it just
>> for you.
>> "Post-gresskwill" just doesn't sound as cool.  We don't want
>> programs with uncool sounding names getting in the way of Linux
>> acceptance now do we?  I mean, what exactly is a "Postgre"
>> anyways?  Not a sense of one-ness like MySQL provides, thats for
>> sure!
>Yes, I'm acutely conscious of this problem.  A name like
>"postgresql" is practically anti-marketing.  I've often
>thought that it might cool to do a nominalogical fork which
>would be absolutely identical to postgresql except for the

Actually, while I agree with you 100% about naming software with
marketable names...  my posting was 100% cynical humor.  ;o)

I don't really think that either name sounds cool, or that
software should be included based on irrelevant factors like
their name..  ;o)  I just thought it would be good for a few


>Practically any other name would be better than postgresql: 
>  OpenBase
>  FirstBase
>  MyBase
>  FreeBase
>  ACID Trip

How about SQuirreL?  ;o)  Actually, that is a pretty decent
name!  I should clone MySQL from the GPL source now and remarket
it as SQuirreL.  ;o)

>(I am, however, glad to hear that MySwill is already in
>Rawhide... that's clearly the right move for RedHat. 
>Ah, if only VA Linux would go around bribing more companies
>to go GPL...)

That will definitely happen in time.  What I would REALLY like to
see now is VMWARE GPL'd.  The existing 'clone' efforts will take
years, and likely never catch up - although they have my moral 

>Ob technical content: It's also really weird that the
>postgresql server daemon is called "postmaster"... 
>that's even sillier than Apache being "httpd". 

postmaster?  Really?  I never noticed..  That is certainly
odd..  Then again a LOT of UNIX command names are "awk"ward to
begin with.  I think most programmers have zero marketing
skills.  ;o)

I've considered calling a future program that I write something
entirely random and based on about 9 or more letters that I
randomly punch with my fist on the keyboard a few times like:


Makes about as much sense as something like ht:/dig or half the
programs in /usr/bin.  Hehhehe.  Ok, enough UNIX bashing
here!!!!  ;o)

Take care,

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

I've overclocked my keyboard interface.  It's quite messy dipping my
hands into the mineral oil, but *MAN* is my keyboard ever fast now!
                                         - Anonymous Coward

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