On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, John Summerfield wrote:

> > On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Pekka Savola wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm, would be usable but I think of two things: 
> > 
> > 1. It would be cute to have a script line mkkickstart which generates the
> >    config for an Upgrade (easy i think)
> mkkickstart is for cloning the same release; it does not cope well with 
> upgrades where packages get renamed, split up differently or otherwise 
> reoganised.
> It could not know that xntp3 is not part of RHL 7, thought the RHL 7 upgrade 
> just might take account of it.

That's why it should be the other way round. 

If RHL 7 provides such a script, generating an kickstart-file for the
upgrade to RHL 7 (and even checking the Disk-space), it would be aware of
any new stuff, which should be taken care of during upgrade.

Then you can even do the upgrade as an at- job or something 

LL&P Ulrich
,-,  .-.,----,---------------------------------------------------------------
| | / / |,---' Ulrich Kiermayr    Inst. for Theoret. Physics, Univ. of Vienna
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