> I can reproduce the problem but I don't have a fix.
> My OS is a redhat-6.2 fully patched server install.
> I ran the genhdlist from the redhat-6.2 files from when I 
> downloaded redhat-6.2 and tried to use it to build the hdlist for my 
> redhat-7.0 downloaded files.
> First of all the genhdlist program didn't show up in my downloaded
> copy of redhat-7.0. I finally skipped the mirror sites and checked
> ftp.redhat.com and it was still missing.
> Looks like the directory structure was messing me up when I tried:
> ./genhdlist ./redhat-7.0/i386
> added the en and 
> ./genhdlist ./redhat-7.0/i386/en
> I see the same problem as John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. 
> only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of RPM
> only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of RPM
Please; you offend me by sending me copies of what you send to the list.

This was not my problem; I was commenting on someone elses.

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