
Thanks for you comment, I prefer KDE too, IMHO it's
more complete than what GNOME currently provides,
but Gnome softare project are getting better all the

Granted the guarddog has bit smaller footprint, but
it appears to me that the little more fwbuilder demands
will pay you back, if you look carefully for example

check what's in the picture under the Firewals branch,
notice the fw1, guardian-* etc. I think with a little
work  fwbuilder could possibly support (import/export)
guarddog too.

The footprint is big issue on small single-media
firewalls¹ ofcourse, but I don't think it's primary
concern when you run fw on workstation or like.

¹),, or any of the like

Nothing prevents actually creating a single rpm package
from abovementioned (refer to one of these¹ or similar
tftp loadable) which then could be configured on workstation
and using the loopback driver creating the complete fw-image
for the standalone fw which does not need hard disks at all.

Keeping the xml-configurations in fwbuilder and when
new release is available upgrade the rpm package and
regenerating new ready to boot image in few seconds,
with your own previously defined fw-rules :)

The *BIG* thing in fwbuilder is that with that you
can maintain configurations platform independently
and that makes life *LOT* easier with upgrades etc.

But, hey both could be included or good choices
to be added to powertools first or whatever, I'm
so happy that I found fwbuilder that I don't care
at the moment <weheee> :>

:-) riku

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Hetz Ben-Hamo wrote:
> Umm, some (redhat) people may not like it - but there is a KDE application
> which just simply fits - it's VERY easy to use (even for people who barely
> know what is TCP/IP), supports IP chains and IP Tables, creates very good
> scripts, and a very nice GUI. It's called GuardDog, and you can check it here:
> Ofcourse - since Red Hat specifically like GNOME stuff, I doubt if it will be
> ever used by Redhat or installed as default.
> > The firewall-config AFAIK does not support iptables yet,
> > so those of us needing stateful inspection are out of luck
> > with it. Thus I would advise you to check Firewall Builder
> > first before putting more effort on firewall-config.
> >
> >
> >
> > It's very nice and well implemented suite, with
> > well thought separate XML represented backend,
> > object oriented (GTK)GUI and rules compiler.
> --
> Hetz Ben Hamo
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:-) riku

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