On Wed, 13 May 1998, Eddie Kuns wrote:

>"top" told me that Netscape was using over 90M of memory!

Not that uncommon. Sometime back (I use the 4.03 Netscape version) I
left for work with Netscape pointed to www.kremlinkam.com, and when I
returned some nine hours later, Netscape had eaten nearly all my
available memory.

>I have no earthly idea why Netscape (netscape-communicator-4.04-3 RPM) 
>would suddenly start consuming memory when it hasn't done this before, but 
>oh well.

Netscape (especially the Communicator releases) seems to require a lot
of memory. Continual usage, especially frequent loading of new pages
(and apparently Java as in the case with kremlinkam I noticed) will keep
making netscape  require more memory.

You don't, of course, want to attempt running out of memory or swap
space. Usually Linux goes into a panic shuffle mode when this happens,
as it frantically tries to rummage through pages trying to free up some
memory. This also might explain the load average increasing steadily.

>                          Eddie
>P.S.  Is there a swap alarm available?  It'd be nice to have some warning 
>that swap was about to be exhausted!

Dunno about that. It seems a good idea. top can be a useful indicator of
this, however. I typically run it inside its own xterm all the time so I
can routinely check things like that.

David E. Fox                 Tax              Thanks for letting me
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