On Wed, May 13, 1998 at 07:50:59AM -0400, Eddie Kuns wrote:
> I posted a message a couple days ago with the subject line:
>      Crash after "kernel:  Unable to load interpreter"
> I may have figured out what happened.  Last night while running Netscape, I 
> noticed a couple short load spikes as I had the previous evening.  I went 
> into another window and started poking.  Ran "free" and noticed nearly all 
> my swap was used.  I have 64M memory and about 55M swap, so I *never* use 
> all my swap unless something goofy is going on.
> "top" told me that Netscape was using over 90M of memory!

I think netscape 4.0x has a memory leak. I'm using 4.03 (obtained
quite some time ago directly from Netscape) and the longer it runs the
more memory I find in use. I've got 32MB of RAM and 40MB of swap, and
the only thing I ever do that causes it to swap is run Netscrape. If I'm
browsing for a couple of hours, looking at a lot of sites, it'll go
10-20 megs into swap even though it may not be using ANY swap when it
starts up.

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
                    The Lord detests the way of the wicked 
                  but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
----------------------------- Proverbs 15:9 (niv) -----------------------------

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