Hello All,

    Having failed in my attempt to get support from Redhat for my newly
purchased Redhat 5.0, I'm hoping someone can help with this.

    I have an external backpack CDRom and I can successfully start the install
from the CDRom but when the installation procedure asks me to identify what
type of CDRom I have, I get an error message telling me that the install can't
find my cdrom anywhere. Redhat won't reply to my support questions so I'm faced
with installing another way. I thought I'd copy the installation files to my
hard drive and install from there.

    As near as I can tell this is what I should do:

                1. Create a Redhat directory on my dos partition
                2. Copy the "base" directory to the Redhat directory
                3. Copy the RPM directory to the Redhat directory
                4. Boot off the boot disk and begin the installation

Have I missed anything? Will this work?

Thanks for any suggestions

Mike Butler

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