-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, June 26, 1998 3:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Should we be pushing Linux over Windows 95?

>*********** BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE ***********
>On 6/26/98, at 10:41 AM, Tony Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>William (Bill?) T Wilson wrote:
>>Considerable time and training is also required to set up a
>>>Windows NT server for a corporate site that works at all; I don't
>WRONG.  I have NO Formal NT training, I installed/admin 5 NT servers
>running SQL, IIS 4.0, Index server, POP3 etc.  These servers were installed
>and setup using little or no documentation, only the gui/setup wizard
>provided with the OS/Software.  SQL is the only app that requires some
>reading to get it to work correctly.
While you may not have any FORMAL NT training, you must have at least some
readings on it.  As to the little or no documentation you read, that for
sure, unless you went out and bought some 3rd party stuff, because the doc's
with all of MS's OS's leave a ton to be desired.

BTW, you didn't mention exchange so I assume you didn't put that on either.
Had you done that and wanted internet mail with Exchange, I bet you would
have done more than a little reading.

>>>it's possible to make a stable NT server, and the training
>>required for
>>>making one secure and efficient is at least as much as there is
>>for Linux.
>Stable and NT are alwasy a crap shoot. We have 4 servers that never go down
>and one that we've nick named YoYo cause it crasehd 2-3 times a week.  Then
>again my Linux quake2 server crashes 1-2 times a week (kernel panic) so
>nothing is perfect.
>Just my $.02
Your $.02 worth is noted.

In my experience I have found no OS that was particularly daunting to
install and configure for a simplistic setup.  But, if I wanted peak
performance, max security and all the other things that go with that
installation, I better start learning.  I make a fair living going behind
the people that bought into the marketing stories that MS has out there, to
straighten out the network.

So what do I tell those that want to do their own?  Sure, great, go ahead --
by the way here's my business card if you need me for any other services.

Then I wait for the call. <G>


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