Can anyone tell me why I can't get the 265041 blocks I have allocated for
my swap space.  'cat /proc/meminfo' shows this:

        total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  130859008 126644224  4214784 57282560 74412032 16134144
Swap: 133885952        0 133885952
MemTotal:    127792 kB
MemFree:       4116 kB
MemShared:    55940 kB
Buffers:      72668 kB
Cached:       15756 kB
SwapTotal:   130748 kB
SwapFree:    130748 kB


Swap Total and SwapFree are 130748 KB, which is approximately half
of the total blocks I allocated for my swap space.

Aside from that, I wonder my SwapFree is the same as SwapTotal, which
means it's not being used.

Can anyone explain why these are happening?

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