> Does anybody know of any graphical network performance monitoring tools
> that I can use from RH5.0 similar to Solaris' perfmeter (XView/OpenWin)
> command?

Sounds like you're looking for an 'xload'-type scrolling net throughput
graph. I don't have one of those, but I can always monitor my connection
using xosview.

The first, and most painful, step, is to compile your kernel to include IP
accounting.  Regardless of what tool you use for the monitoring, you will
likely need this in your kernel, so it's got nothing much really to do
with xosview.

To make the net portion of xosview work for you you'll want to set some
resources.  Here are the ones I have in my ~/.Xdefaults to monitor a 28.8
connection, along with some nice colors (the 8000 sets the kB/s that
corresponds to a pinned scale.  With a faster connection you'll certainly
want to change this number.

xosview*labels: True
xosview*meterLabelColor: black
xosview*usedlabels: True
xosview*usedLabelColor: black
xosview*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xosview*background: gray80
xosview*foreground: black
xosview*geometry: 200x200
xosview*load: False
xosview*cpu: True
xosview*cpuUserColor: tomato
xosview*cpuNiceColor: DarkGreen
xosview*cpuSystemColor: tomato3
xosview*cpuInterruptColor: yellow
xosview*cpuFreeColor: black
xosview*cpuPriority: 1
xosview*cpuDecay: True
xosview*mem: True
xosview*memUsedColor: tomato
xosview*memSharedColor: tomato3
xosview*memBufferColor: DarkGreen
xosview*memFreeColor: black
xosview*memPriority: 1
xosview*memDecay: True
xosview*swap: True
xosview*swapUsedColor: tomato
!xosview*swapFreeColor: tomato3
xosview*swapFreeColor: black
xosview*swapPriority: 1
xosview*swapDecay: True
xosview*network: 8000
xosview*netInColor: tomato
xosview*netOutColor: DarkGreen
xosview*netBackground: black
xosview*netPriority: 1
xosview*netDecay: True
xosview*serial1: False
xosview*serial2: False
xosview*serial3: False
xosview*serial4: False
xosview*interrupts: True
xosview*intOnColor: tomato
xosview*intOffColor: gray30

Finally, to turn on the IP accounting you need to use ipfwadm.  I do that
by putting the commands in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local, which is run whenever my
PPP connection starts.  Here's that file:


# Here are the command line variables:
# Arg  Name            Example
# ---  ----            -------
# $1   Interface name  ppp0
# $2   The tty         ttyS1
# $3   The link speed  38400
# $4   Local IP number
# $5   Peer IP number

# Set up IP accounting

/sbin/ipfwadm -A -a -S $4 -D 0/0
/sbin/ipfwadm -A -a -S 0/0 -D $4

If you're not using PPP you can just put these commands somewhere else
that makes sense.  If you don't feel like using xosview, oh well.


Gregory Fall ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
University of Michigan  
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences

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