> > Well I've got XV to do everything I like. What does ee do that XV 
> doesn't ?

> For starters, it's under the GPL, not shareware, so it's really free 
> (no definition of free flames, please). Next, it is integrated with 
> GNOME, which is IMHO definitely where the Linux desktop is headed. 
> Also, it supports every image format supported by imlib, which is 
> basically all of them. XV may come close, but not quite. The one 
> downside to ee is that it is in the very early stages of development 
> (version 0.1), but it is already quite good, Rasterman knows what he 
> is doing, and I think that it will almost completely replace xv by 
> this time next year. 

You left off the fact that electric-eyes is being actively maintained; there 
has been no new release of XV in quite some time.  It's good software, but 
falling back relative to new releases of graphic standards & file structures.
Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Opera: Greek word meaning "death by music".

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