Ok, now after getting the lan working, the firewall working, getting MS
frontpage98 extentions working - I'm wantintg to get news working....

Innd is loading at boot ok, I don't have an active list yet, and I'm not
sure how to get that down from the ISP.

I don't want to carry the entire feed, ( ie 80% of the damn feeds are
the *.binary.* groups. ) Just a few that I read.  So I figure there has
to be a way for the server to grab a copy of my ISP's groups list, then
let me add any new ones to my local spool.  Otherwise my active list is
used as is.

I'm up 24/7 to my ISP, this link feeds the internal network of several
client boxes all over the house ( Bill can blow me <grin> atleast I
installed my own house network ).  There are 3 local users, and several
telnet in users.  So nothing special.  I would like to use inn as it's
installed via redhat 5.0 with current errata updates, vs uninstalling
and using c-news or something.

Thanks in advance...

( Oh yeah - fixed the apache problem as well - thanks to those who
pointed out about adding .htm to the config files as an html encoded

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