It seem like there is a problem with my mail server. Either it is slowing
down or something else. I have noticed lately it takes a while to send a
message and at others it does not. Just a few minutes ago I tried to send a
message and it timed out. I quickly move to the Linux box and this is the
ps -uax output


root       213  0.0  1.1  1312   348  ?  S  Jun  4   0:23 sendmail:
accepting connections on port 25           
root     17251  0.2  2.0  1320   636  ?  S   18:19   0:00 sendmail: server [] child wa
root     17252  0.4  2.6  1372   804  ?  S   18:19   0:00 sendmail:
SAA17252 []: RCPT 
root     17283  0.0  1.3   928   420  p1 R   18:20   0:00 ps -uax 

The server timed out and then it sent it after a few seconds. Doesnt
sendmail spawn session and multitasks the sending fo the mail?

What should I be looking for. Maybe more speed memory

note, it is on a Pentium 60 with 32megs of ram but I only have 150 users or

Integrated Network Solutions Corp.
305.436.0910 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Serving South Florida

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