On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Paul Kersting wrote:

|Leston Buell wrote:
|> I cannot seem to be able to grant write permission to non-root users for
|> a hard drive with a vfat file system. What do i need to do?
|I have a linux RH5.0 system which I use as a single user workstation.  To enable
|me to write to a vfat partition,
|I put the following in my /etc/fstab file
|/dev/hda5               /d                      vfat    user,rw,uid=500 0 0
|where my user id is 500.  I was told that this may work with group access
|privilege also (gid=???) but I didn't need
|that for my setup.

I've learned, that on rc.* scripts the umask of root is something like
022. Since mount merges user group and other permission with the umask
I never got a group writable msdos/vfat filesystem. 

Try changing the umask to 000 for the time of executing the mount command.



Michael Eyrich, PRZ, TU-Berlin, Germany

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