>From "Unix Power Tools":
        "A zombie process is one whose total resources have been
freed, but the parent process' acknowledgement has not occurred.
Usually, init will step in when the parent is gone, but very
occasionally this fails to happen."

Killing the parent, if it's still around, should kill the zombie (worked
for me).  Otherwise...

        "So, to get rid of a zombie, you must wait for it."


On Tue, Jun 30, 1998 at 08:57:35AM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> though zombies are already dead, I would like to kill the ones haunting my
> computer.
> kill -9 <pid_of_the_zombie> won't work
> neither 'killall <zombie>' nor 'kill -SIGKILL <pid_of_the_zombie>'.
> rebooting is not an option because I'm trying to prove high up-time.
> what else?
> Claudiu
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