At 06:42 PM 4/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> What kind of problems are indicated by statement: "exection of script
>> failed", "unpacking of archive ailed", and "read failed: Input/output error
>> (5)"?
>That almost definately looks like problems with the RPMs.

I don't really even know what an RPM is...except that I need them for
installation! Does it mean something like "Redhat Package Module"?
Obviously, not only am I a Linux newbie...I am also a Unix virgin! My
familiarity with computers is with DOS (since 1984), and Windoze (since 1994).

>If you have access to a Linux box, try running the following on one of
>those RPMs that failed in your list:
>       # rpm -qvvpl package.i386.rpm | more
>where `package' is one of the packages that failed.  That will produce a 
>list of the files that are in the package, as well as some
>other information, for example:
>D: Header + Archive: 395012
>D: expected size   : 395012
>If those two numbers don't match in your package, then you know it is
>faulty.  If it doesn't even get that far, you also know the package is

Dave, I don't have access to a Linux system...however, I do have access to
the bash# shell, as it is a small version created in RAM, for the
installation process. Just selecting keys Alt-F2 will jump you from the
installation menu, to bash#. So I ran the command on three packages that
failed to install. Now, I'm not sure if I typed the command correctly, but
here is the first one I checked:

        rpm -qvvpl package.libtermcap.rpm

The result:

        open of package.libtermcap.rpm failed. No such file or directory.

Now, since "libtermcap" is one of the failed packages, I guessed at the
command, and duplicated your example, only replacing "i386" with
"libtermcap". I also tried it on failed packages "glibe" and "bash"...with
the exact same "No such file or directory" result.

Anyway, at least I know I am now able to focus on the problem, thanks to
you...for otherwise I'd still be on hold regarding installation of
Linux...which I have been trying to get installed for almost two weeks now!

Any ideas where I take things from here? Thanks in advance, Dave!

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