©ÇhÆ£k®¾¿ wrote:

> Is it possible to run windows95 and linux on the same computer...i mean is it a
> good idea...see i have windows95 but am thinking of putting linux on too.  I
> heard it's not easy to install or learn and even harder to put on with another os
> at the same time.  Any suggestion on what to do?
> --
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  I had just this configuration for quite a while.  I used a second IDE drive that
had Linux
loaded on it.  It installs without any problem, If you use lilo in the MBR be sure
to edit the
lilo.conf file so that you can boot either win95 or Linux.

As to whether you should have both,  It depends on your needs.  But the two do live
quite well..... Although you will probably want to dump win95 after a couple of

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