On May 15,  7:27am, Tony Wells wrote:
> Everying thig you wrote Chris makes  perfect sensce, except for
> one thing which throws me off beam and caused my original
> question. The problem is this: For the freeware products like
> TNTlite, I have to use telnet to initiate the session by setting
> the DISPLAY variable launching xterm. The Linux box is
> and the W95 box is One day I forgot the syntax and
> typed "export DISPLAY=0.0" instead of "export
> DISPLAY=" . But it still worked !! Have I come
> across an undocumented feature or a bug ??? I use DISPLAY=0.0 all
> the time now with different PC products ! Even with humingbird,
> I've embedded the same syntax.

Where are you running the xterm? The reason I ask is that (a) the standard
RedHat 5 xterm client does not understand "0.0" (although it understands
":0.0") and (b) on most modern Linux systems, when you telnet into them, the
DISPLAY variable is *automatically* set for you, you probably don't need to set
it at all.

For example, I have two machines here: WOODSTOCK.PROXIMITY.ON.CA and
BLEH.PROXIMITY.ON.CA (names have been changed to protect the identity of the
innocent :-). If I telnet from BLEH to WOODSTOCK, then DISPLAY is automatically
set to "bleh.proximity.on.ca:0.0". (This only works with telnet, not with the
other methods of starting a remote client).

(BTW, where can I find out about TNTlite?)

Chris Tyler                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Global Proximity Corporation      http://Global.Proximity.ON.CA/
Internet and Computer Consulting  (519) 469-3439 / fax (519) 469-8653

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