On May 15, 10:07pm, Tony Wells wrote:
> Lastly,
> Having just finished writing my POP3/SMTP proxy for 32bit windows
> I'l looking for a new project, and wonder whether I might enter
> into this strange world of x-windows. There doesn't seem to be
> *anything* in the way of GNU-type-license X-windows software for
> windows. Do you or any other good people know of a good quide to
> X-windows from a server and client development viewpoint?

O'Riley seems to be the definitive source of X reference material... they have
a reference set that spans a bookshelf. There is some documentation with the X
sources themselves (which have been freely distributed until the current
version, including a reference implementation of an X Server) and then of
course there's the XFree86 project (for source code).

Chris Tyler                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Global Proximity Corporation      http://Global.Proximity.ON.CA/
Internet and Computer Consulting  (519) 469-3439 / fax (519) 469-8653

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