On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Ignacio Rodriguez wrote:
->> so I can mount/umount it?  How do I get my printer working under
->> the circumstances?
->I also have a Zip at /dev/lp0 (lpt1) and the manufacturer says it's not
->compatible with Linux. I have never tried printing, but, have you tried
->disconnecting the zip?

*** Hi guy's,

Try to check your mail that says "Zip" in it or visit first the archives
before you ask the same question that got answered x-times in the last few
weeks. I just responded to the same problem a few days ago...:-(

The thing is that printing through a Zip is not supported in the present
kernels (except in 2.0.34 I think) so you can't use a printer and a Zip on
the same port. You have 2 possibilities: Either work with loadable modules
- basically you load a specific "driver" when you need it - or get an
additional LPT port card and connect the Zip to LPT1 (lp0) because
otherwise it doesn't work, and the printer on LPT2 (lp1)...


Lots of luck,

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