-----Original Message-----
From: James R. McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 5:08 PM
Subject: Can I install RHL in an extended partition?

>Before I go any further let me say I am a Linux/Unix Virgin so be
>gentle.  8->
>The only experience I have is with MS - DOS/Windows/Windows95.  Sorry to
>put that in for those of you that are eating.
>I know absolutely nothing about the how-to's or the how-not-to's.
>Subscribing to this litserv was suposed to help but you folx are way
>over my wee-little head.
>All questions and/or statements are based on not having a clue what I'm
>doing (the story of my life.  8-> )
>How to I partiton my HDD (Western Digital Caviar 4GB ATA Model 4000RTL)
>without blowing out Win95?  I had 4 partitions but I'm willing the blow
>the F:\ drive which will give Linux 921 MB to live in.  from what I
>understand that should be more than enough.
>Can I even install RHL in an extended partition?
Possibly.  I have my booting Linux partition setup on an extended partition.
I used Partition Magic to set up a small partition for / (about 150Mb), and
then told PM to add it to the boot manager.  You may have to have some sort
of boot manager for this to work, I don't know.

Then I set up the rest with the fdisk in the linux install procedure.  I set
the swap partition and split the rest for a /usr and a /opt filesystem.  It
works beautifully!

>I bought it for $29 at Electronics Boutique and I can't get it to

Boy, how did you get EB to stock that one?  Here, if it isn't a game for W95
you can pretty much forget about finding it.
>I got the non - disk - included version (MaCmillan Distribution) so I
>had to figure out how to make the boot diskette but can't figure out how
>to make the swap diskette.  How do I make this swap diskette?  I know it
>involves using RAWRITE but how to use it I haven't a clue.
You should only need the boot diskette.  I've never heard of a 'swap
diskette'.  You may be referring to the supplemental diskette.  You
shouldn't need that one.  But, on the off chance that you do.  Just run
\dosutils\rawrite and when it asks for the image file, type \images\supp.img

>I know I'm only supposed to ask 1 or 2 questions per letter but I am at
>least overwelmed by all of this.
>BTW I use Norton Utilities 2.0 for Win95.  Someone told me this puts
>some sort of marker on the primary partiton and maybe even
>extended/logical patitions that can make it dificult to resize to
>partiton[s].  Anyone know anything about this?
Sorry, can't help you here.
>                                                     Well I'll stop for
>this go around.
>                                                             T H A N K
>Y O U
>                                                             James R.
Hope this helps you.


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