> Recently I have been asked about installing Linux on some laptops and
> other
> PC'sthese are at present in the MS stronghold, but frustration of the
> daily
> reboot has led the owners to
> look at alternatives.

Perhaps in a business setting yes, but for the "average" user, what's
the file compatibility issue really worth? Does the "average" user even
generate the types of reports you allude to, much less have to import or
export them to Win95 versions? When was the last time "your mother"
even needed Word or Excel?

For instance, I consider myself a power user, but I don't really have
a need for office suites per se. Most of my writing as such would 
be 'editing files' (including email) except for the couple of letters I
write, which could easily be done in TeX or troff without using up
a ton of disk space.

And I don't have much use for spreadsheets or presentation graphics outside
of work. I do tinker with them (and even use them) occasionally, but 
there's a lot of capability there that I probably won't use much. I do
grab documents and such off of the net, but for most of my needs I can
get the document in Postscript or PDF, or even in latex source (g-d 
bless those people); I don't need to import Word stuff much, and SO does
fine on the files I have imported.

> but on
> 100 page reports with embedded graphics and imported spreadsheet data,
> forget

Do you get anything under those circumstances? Do you get even a usable
document that might need a little bit of re-tweaking (say for the
embedded graphics)? Or, does it just give you an error and no
converted file?

> Phil
David E. Fox                 Tax              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   the              change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      churches         on your hard disk.

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