I have no idea how to do this with uugetty but the following describes
howto do it with mgetty.

Let me know if it helps.


Gee, i post this one alot i wonder if i should put it on a web page?
Probably should =)
Someone was talking about having a web page with faq type info on it? Maybe
it wasn't this list though.

                                 AutoPPP Setup
                       w/ pppd2.2.0g and mgetty1.1.12-JAN27
                                  by Dan Cyr

NOTE: read the README.linux included with your version of pppd before doing
NOTE2: This is ONLY for the tar.gz version NOT rpm!!!

NOTE: make sure your current pppd is not in use, if it is kill the process.

**If you haven't got shadow passwords.**

make kernel

NOTE: now go rebuild your kernel. Read the kernel-HOWTO it's quite simple.

make USE_MS_DNS=1
make install

**If you have shadow passwords.**

make kernel

NOTE: now go rebuild your kernel. Read the kernel-HOWTO it's quite simple.

make install


In /etc/ppp make the folowing files (one for each ttys? line) with the
proper info in each. (use appropriate tty lines)


This file will look like this (except not with these IP's):

# -p forces the connection to try to stay alive. It's a good idea to use
this one.
# Primary DNS Server
# secondary DNS Server

And now to make sure u have mgetty setup properly.


NOTE: read the README.1st file before doing this!!!
NOTE2: Make sure mgetty isn't being used. Edit /etc/inittab  and make sure
all the s??: lines are commented out (see the following table). Then
kill -1 1 to restart init without the modems online.

# mgetty configuration for the modem lines. ttyS?
# s3 = com 4    33.6 Internal Modem
#s3:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D -R 30 ttyS3 -s 57600
#s24:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS24 -s 57600
#s25:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS25 -s 57600
#s26:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D -x2 ttyS26 -s 57600
#s27:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS27 -s 57600
#s28:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS28 -s 57600
#s29:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS29 -s 57600
#s31:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS31 -s 57600
# -x2 is for the debug level and it is dumped into /var/log/mgetty.ttyS26
# -R 30 means that this modem will ignore the first call, but will answer
# if the phone rings again in the next 30 seconds.
# -D simply means these modems are on to answer Data calls
# -s 57600 sets the max transfer rate

Now back to the 'new' mgetty

Copy the policy.h-dist to policy.h
Now, either leave it alone and adduser modem or, edit policy.h and change

#define DEVICE_GROUP    "modem"     
#define DEVICE_GROUP    "uucp"

Edit Makefile  and change the line:

CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -pipe
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -pipe -DAUTO_PPP

make testdisk
make install

NOTE: redhat uses /etc/mgetty+sendfax   for the configuration files but, 
this new mgetty doesn't!!!!!! If you want to keep it in /etc/mgetty+sendfax
then go back to editing your mgetty Makefile and change this line:

# prefix, where most (all?) of the stuff lives, usually /usr/local or /usr

to look like this

# prefix, where most (all?) of the stuff lives, usually /usr/local or /usr

NOTE: if you do this then the line in inittab changes to:

#s24:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -D ttyS24 -s 57600

ADD THIS LINE TO /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config  or wherever
your is.

/AutoPPP/ -     a_ppp       /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login -detach

Make sure you delete (or rename) /etc/ppp/pap-secrets   In this version of
it gets in the way of AutoPPP.

That should about do it. If it doesn't work maybe i left something out or,
you did something wrong (i don't think i forgot anything).

At 04:38 AM 3/15/98 +0000, Fred Whipple wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm nearly out of my mind on this one...
>I had RHL 4.2 up and running very smoothly, and had a dial-in on cua0
>using uugetty (from getty_ps) for PPP, etc.  It worked perfectly with
>the RINGBACK=YES setting so I could call in, hang-up, and have it answer
>on the next call.  I've recently upgraded to RHL 5.0, and in short, this
>I've gotten the machine to answer the phone and connect as usual, the
>only thing that doesn't work is the ringback feature.  I'm using the
>same config files as before though, and have changed them around, used
>the sample, etc. etc.  I just can't get ringback to work anymore.
>My inittab file has a:
>    S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/uugetty -d /etc/default/uugetty.ttyS0 ttyS0
>F38400 vt100
>I have a file /etc/default/uugetty.ttyS0 that has RINGBACK=YES and the
>default configurations that *used* to work.  I'm not sure if the INIT no
>longer works on my modem (the default one is supposed to turn
>auto-answer off on the modem) or how to check... only that nothing works
>unless I point uugetty to this config file (telling me that the config
>file seems reasonable).  When I do so, I can dial-in happily as normal,
>short of the ringback feature.
>Any ideas on this one??
>Very much appreciated,
>    -Fred
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