On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, KONDO Kazumoto wrote:

> Hello, there, again...
> I am new to Red Hat, and I like this very much!!
> I have a question on mail setting, especially sendmail.cf.
> I would like to setup my server which can handle the mail not including
> machine name.
> For example;
> Now I can send mail the below format.
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ns is the my machie name.)
> But, I can't send mail in the below format.
> so, I was taught that
> 1. edit sendmail.cf file and
> 2. locate the line calls "DM" (aligned left) and change it to :
>    DMfoobarbaz.com
> 3. check the DNS,MX.
> 4. restart sendmail.
> But, I cannot send email as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> Could you gime me another advice or hints.
> The version I use is Red Hat 4.2 for Intel.
> And I'm going to use Red Hat 5.0.
> Can anybody tell me the difference between 4.2 and 5.0 on
> sendmail.cf setting?

Why set this in your MUA, Eudora Pro it appears, and be done
with it? Set your From and Reply-To entry and you should be good
to go.

-- Jeff Douglass

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