Bryan Andregg wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> KONDO Kazumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Hello, there, again...
> >I am new to Red Hat, and I like this very much!!
> >I have a question on mail setting, especially
> >I would like to setup my server which can handle the mail not including
> >machine name.
> >
> >For example;
> >Now I can send mail the below format.
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ns is the my machie name.)
> >But, I can't send mail in the below format.
> If is not your canonical hostname them you will need to put it in
> /etc/ and restart sendmail.

Its true only if you want to have another name for you machine in addition to its
original one. You not always want to use .cw file. To use it, your .cf file must
include F command:
and its name can be change to any other, if you don't like this one, with
"confCW_FILE" in your .mc file.
Above situation makes sense only if you are using a lot of other names. For just one
or two you can easily write them in you Cw command line, in .cf file,  in form:
Cwname1 name2
There are situations where you don't want to use alternative names for your machine,
but want to be able to send your mail with  address of another host ( i.e. when you
use mail hub to receive your mail, but send everything directly from your machine).
To accomplish that goal you need to use masquerading feature included in sendmail.
To satisfied your need you can use several different features and definitions in
your .mc file, where IMO 'MASQUERADE_AS' is the simplest one. If you don't want to
deal with your .mc file (don't know how to use it, don't have one, the change is
very simple one , etc.) editing your .cf file and adding name to DM command line
should fulfill your basic needs.
That's at least how I see this problem. Anybody could tell me if I am wrong?

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