Would it not be safe to say that if you do not want to make concessions
to whining, that;
1) you would not take the time to respond to their messages
2) provided you have not time for this person, if you still found the need to
respond you could do it in a constructive way.~!

It is important for all to keep in mind a few things;
1) This is not a easy install for the so called newbie's.  I am a perfect
example of this fact, with 5 years of system engineering the first install
was different to say the least. No I did not whine about it, but I took this
on as a challenge and also made the resolution that it would not be a
quick and easy thing.
2) We all need a way to vent off our steam, maybe what you took as
whining was another persons way of venting, or better yet asking for
help.  Not all people are good at saying I DON'T KNOW, or even asking for
3) We all want to get Linux out to the people.  The question is are we
going to do this by blasting the person frustrated and confused with this
new beast he has gotten?

Now for my other two cents, all those new to Linux need to be aware
that this takes time and effort.  They should be mentally ready for many
failures and even more cases of doing it again.  All those fluent in Linux
should be ready to help the non-fluent out and give them all the support
you can muster.

Tanks 4 Ur time

On Fri, Mar 27, 1998 at 09:01:40AM -0600, Victoria Stanfield wrote:
> Your reply was both unnecessary and juvenile.  The guy should have read
> the manual.  We all know that.

I'm not sure *he* knew that, but regardless, I felt my reply was completely
necessary and quite accurate.  I've no time or sympathy for lazy people,
nor am I interested in making the slightest concession to their whining.

Rich Kulawiec

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