This whole thread bothers me. When you start to read you don't start with
war an peace, and when you start to walk you don't run a marathon. A
little work and practice can get you ready for anything. I started with
linux when I was 14. I had a little unix experience but that was from a
shell acount at the university nothing about sys admin. I screwed up a
couple of installs but I also fell the first time I tried to walk. Now
that I have gotten my feet wet and have had a machine infront of me to try
and break I am getting the hang of things. I am no Linus but I am
comfortable with linux enought that I got rid of all MS products a year
and a half ago. 
Maybe Linux is not your thing? I can't play music and have no experience
at all with reading music. In light of this it is highly unlikely that you
will see me complaining on the classical music mailing list that
Betthoven's symphonies are too complex...

Douglas F. Elznic
"If they give you lined paper, write the other way."
Freedom through Electronic Resistance

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